
@mreowmix: Hah. Fair enough. My modern mind always conflates Greek and Macedonia, but that distinction was certainly more significant in the past.

@ThazMrPlaya2U: It was totally an XKCD: "There's someone wrong! On the Internet!" moment. I knew better than to get involved, but it was just so mind-bogglingly stupid.

@Sazaku: Jesus wasn't black, because Jesus wasn't real.

@Sazaku: No, when someone says mind-bogglingly stupid things, I rebuke and berate them. Because I can't stand stupid people.

@Sazaku: It's documented by the people who made the history. It's built from first-person accounts.

@BlueBeard: It's been so long since I've seen it. I just remember a vaguely Indian looking guy with a Kwik-E-Mart accent. I stand corrected.

@Sazaku: Yes. She. Was.

@Sazaku: So, you're saying Greeks are black people, now? Is that what you're saying? And that a conspiracy among Whites has kept this secret from being known?

@Azriel101: Depends on the part of India. Don't get me wrong- Fischer Stevens's part was incredibly racist. But India is a very large country with hundreds of different ethnicities. Skin color ranges from pasty-white to black.

@Sazaku: … Where, exactly, do you think the Ptolemys came from? That's not exactly an Arabic name.

@Sazaku: Yeah, but once I realized you thought Cleopatra was black, I realized you were just a moron.

@Sazaku: You are really ignorant.

@The_Foo: Hah, I love the bit about the accent. So true.

@Sazaku: First: that is not an implication. It was a statement. For contrast:


@ThisCharmingMan: It's not even the minimalism. I once had a great mouse- it was all unibody and Mac like with one very important difference- there was a slit separating the left and right sides of the front of the mouse, allowing the buttons to be activated in a more normal fashion.

@dacresni נְחֶמְיָה: I did beat the main-game of Portal using the trackpad, but I mapped the second portal to the 'F' key. The two-finger click was too hard to aim properly.

@OkayOctane: I don't know how someone would play with a Magic Mouse either.