
@Wellard: Apple doesn't want to implement it.

@Bob LeDrew: Clippy is not Microsoft's trademarked name for the Office Assistant character- it was actually Clippit.

I used it once, to copy the URL of the iSpazio post about it from Safari to BeeJive so I could post a link to Identi.ca.

What's the saying?

@Jai: Given the choice between Flash and Silverlight, I'll take Flash. But with the advances in Javascript runtimes, a lot of Flash's power will be duplicated in standards, ECMAScript, SVG. With HTML5's new elements for embedding media, we'll be able to do video without Flash too.

Ugh. Yes, it's not bad enough to have Flash owning a huge portion of the web with its non-standard, proprietary engine. Let's have it run desktop apps too! And hey, why worry about using the host's UI widgets? This is FLASH after all! Let's make new widgets for every app so nothing on the system looks like anything

I can't imagine a productive activity that doesn't involve a computer at some juncture. Arguably, writing fiction could count, but I find pen & paper painfully slow. And I need to type it up eventually anyway. Programming can be done, a bit, away from a computer, but you need to put the code in eventually.

Ask anyone if they want to be a better person, and you'll get "Of course!" as an answer.

@hiltinuts2: I'm not going to deny that copy and paste would be a useful thing to have. But I can see a few reasons why it isn't:

@trstn: My iPhone multitasks. That said, most apps aren't designed for multitasking. For example, I throw Pandora into the background and then launch another app, and Pandora quits. Why? Because the developers designed it that way. In order to avoid needing virtual memory, the OS sends apps a "low memory" message when

Pity, it won't be able to vote in this election.

@topernicus: Not that I'm aware of, no. My hunch is that doing so would involve some soldering- I have a feeling that in this case, it's not controlled from software.

I'm planning to do such a thing when I have a goal I'm committed to outside of work. I've got a million and one dalliances, but nothing that could really justify the leave-of-absence.

@Yeraze: Because Apple wants to guarantee that the user experience is consistent and difficult for the users to break. They don't want users to have to think about, "Gee, should I install this app, or is it going to make my phone really slow?" Or, more likely, "Man, the iPhone sucks. All of the animations stutter and

I find that putting Pandora into the background is crashtastic. The instant I do something else that pulls a decent amount of CPU or memory BAM. Pandora cuts out.

Can my goal be to be a goal gigolo? Seriously, I love dabbling in all sorts of things. Music, photography, writing, science, programming, philosophy. Computer programming pays the bills, and forms the conceptual foundation for everything else I want to do.

What I'd kill for is a little trainablity. Sort the most recently launched items first, like Quicksilver.

Part of me wonders if a small percentage of chargers are defective, or if a small percentage of users are defective. I know my charger is very solid, but if I really wanted to force the issue, I could break the prongs off.

The Web will replace the OS when you start seeing devices that don't ship with an OS- they ship with a microkernel that powers a web browser and doesn't run anything else.