
Yes. Miro + TVRSS.Net = internet Tivo. Some shows I follow could easily be watched on the network's website, but it's easier to just let them appear in my inbox the next day.

@Raydancer: Although, in my defense- the code is very clean now. I'm still a little embarrassed to be using tables for output, and the function to turn #hashtags into links is a little naive, but the code's pretty clean.

@Raydancer: It started as an ugly hack, I felt it deserved an ugly name.

@illn00b: Unlike Quicksilver, Ubiquity is in active development. QS is kinda languishing in the Open Source world.

Since we're on the subject, let me pimp my project, Idiquity: [geekmatters.com]

GAH. I want all apps on my operating system to look alike. They should use the same chrome and the same widgets.

@micjwelch: In many markets, your choices are Comcast or dialup. Hardly a free market.

@screaminscott: I can't think of an OS that meets your requirements. OSX probably comes the closest. In terms of usability, I'd rank them OSX, Ubuntu and related distros, Windows, most other distros of Linux.

When I was running Windows, I found myself using the GIMP and Firefox a lot. Then I installed Cygwin so that I could get a decent command line (I already knew my way around *nix- I had done some kernel hacking in college and written my own shell). More and more of my computer became dedicated to *nix based software.

Um... t3knomanser. But thanks for the shoutout. I feel all smart now.

Okay, so a long time ago, I was economically bad off. This resulted in writing a lot of rubber checks to the idiot landlord that didn't notice when they bounced. That resulted in me being blacklisted by Equifax.

@jkrell: Don't update it through Stylish! They've replaced their Stylish sheet with a blank CSS file and a link to download their plugin. LAME.

Call me a luddite, but I refuse to use Adobe Air. I like the apps I run to actually play nicely with my built in OS widgets, to follow the same UI conventions, and to not be built with Flash, which is the devil and needs to go away.

I gotta say, I like Peter Gibbons solution. What do I want to do with my life? Absolutely nothing.

Wife and I invest about 25% of our combined income every year, not counting what goes into our 401K. So... no, not living beyond our means.

Laziness helps. I can't be arsed to get off my ass and buy things I don't need. Hell, I can't be arsed to buy things I do need! My wife and I went for years without a couch. The upshot is that, by procrastinating, we had saved up enough money that price was no object. We got exactly the couch we wanted (and on sale,

@sweatymongoose: Always? No. But you could tweak the weighting so as to make sure they almost always come up first.

This is awesome, and should probably be made into an extension for somebody who cares more than me. People seem to really hate the AwesomeBar for some strange reason (I love it).

@nikrox: 118 people, in a random sample, is pretty informative for even a large population. Mind you, they're not drawing conclusions about all six billion people. Their drawing conclusions about English speakers who are probably Americans and happened to be available for the study.

The first page of your resume should be complete in and of itself. That is to say, it should be a convenient splash page that summarizes your skills and desirability.