
@lauriek: Sometimes buildings burn down. So?

@EnOne: I'm sorry, but if you can't work a flat 9-5 AND get the project done on schedule, what the hell good are you?

VOTE: NetNewsWire

I do a little of both. Repetitive tasks, like adding form fields, I use the WYSIWYG. But then, I take the stuff in there and lay it out with manual code.

There really aren't any viruses in the wild for OSX or Linux. So, no- I don't run a virus scanner. Of course, the only virus I've ever had was ANTICMOS-A. It was a bios virus that could be transmitted by floppy disks.

Since we're on the topic of weird youtube things, for some reason, when I go to youtube, it ALWAYS redirects to uk.youtube.com, despite the fact that I'm in the US. Has anyone else noticed that sort of behavior?

I'm another "subscribe to everything" and skim over the things you're not interested in. When I have a big backlog of things that I haven't read, I'll usually take a few of the high-noise feeds and just mark them all as read without looking.

Practically, Ruby and Python.

The aphorism is: buy low, sell high, but don't try to time the peaks and valleys, you'll fail.

@Adam Pash: Hrm. I've never felt the need to minimize just one window. Then again, I just keep all my windows open. Expose is all I need (though Spaces is a nice bonus).

I pay the whole thing. If I'm going out with friends, it's probably my treat. The responsibility will drift as others tarof their way into paying, but I don't go out without being prepared to pay the whole bill.

I do this. 6% of my salary goes into a 401K (and my company matches up to that amount, dollar-for-dollar). Of my after-tax income, about 1/3 goes to investments, 1/3 goes to debt (my school loans which will end this year, at which point 2/3 of my income will get invested).

At one time, a long long time ago, [fbi.gov] had an open SMTP port. Not that I ever bounced spoofed emails off of it when I was in college- that would be really dumb.

@moo083: You could control that on the router level, if your router supports port forwarding.

Sadly, most of the performance tweaks supported by TightVNC aren't supported by Leopard's screen sharing. You can't change the JPEG compression, you can't change the encoding, you can't switch to 8-bit color, etc.

Technology has improved my memory. I never forget a phone number, because it's in my cellphone. I never forget an email address because my email app stores it. I never forget what outstanding code changes need to be pushed in production, because they're logged in a Sharepoint site. That _is_ part of my memory- part of

Hrm... my ratio is more like: 20% expenses, 20% savings, 20% debt reduction, 40% fun. I'll have my school loans paid off in six years rather than ten. Hell, I could pay them off tomorrow, but that would dip my savings lower than I like.

.NET actually drew me towards Microsoft. But I love operating at a high level for certain tasks. I find most of the C-family too clunky and slow (in terms of my workflow, not the end product). Way more work than I like to do.

I have an interesting solution- don't (sort of). I don't access blocked content from my work computer- I access it from my home computer, at work.
