
If you dont like what someone says, you say so. you dont bullshit to get the public’s attention, hoping to get that person in trouble with the pc police.
Bullying? Not quite. This is just someone super upset, pretending to be nice in hopes of getting revenge.

Look, he wants to give us a hug! ...i dont want to be the one to tell him hes not big enough

Ah, okay. I just clicked on the link giz gave.

I thought it was NASA’s page, theses are just search results? or public posts? either I dont understand NASA or I dont understand giphy.

why is this on there? Not even joking, and I am so confused.

so spiderman’s parachute is freaking plausible?

predicting metalocalypse reference

lightsabers always have crystals, jedha is probably full of the specific kind used for light sabers. and the crystal in that necklace will no doubt be identified as one

seems like you baste it so the flavor/ingredients from the liquid will dry out on the surface and give the skin a nice taste and glaze

$500? why does the price make him seem so much more stupid to me? The money and effort amounts to someone simply taking out an ad on craigslist for this.

Have for sale:
used honda civic in decent condition, new tires
willing to trade/looking for:

Holy fuck yes! (young)JUSTICE LIVES!

I lolled at this.
“Gee, thanks Obama.... aw, damnit”

I would pay to see more videos of candidates fact checked as perfectly as in this video. Its such a perfectly well made point. How is this not a thing? How is this not happening all the time already? Moar!

Have to agree with this, he is so very obviously endeared to that character. Also, hardly have i heard the word “spic”, and hardly does it have the connotation that perhaps “nigger” does and even then, the n-word has all kinds of connotations and is used in all different ways, friendly/endearing/insulting/racist.

You made this hostile, you took it there. Now you either have reasoning to counter the argument or you dont. If you dont want to argue anymore then lets just end here. I dont like arguing anyways.

Giz also links to and refers to the fact that autism is not caused by vaccines, an extremely important distinction between fact and rumor. Which goes to show how important it is to prevent rumors, so I do find it terribly important to hold a gadget blog up to high standards. You should too.

See, sometimes you start a post battle with someone.... this is how i know that i crushed them.

ok, so concise thought and clear facts are a “rambling mess”

its news on a website isnt it? im not sure what you’re pointing out.

This is completely misleading and unscientific.