in your opinion of course
in your opinion of course
TESIII: Morrowind introduced me to this amazing series back in '02. With both Oblivion and Skyrim (both amazing games), those games you just play. But Morrowind, that is something you experiance.
this is funny. As I was reading everyone's guesses on whether that was Carnage or not, the entire time I was like, " where the hell is Venom?"
I couldn't tell ya... I've seen him do an LP on DkS and it wasn't entertaining. I don't know if he was trying to be funny, either. IMHO of course
Where's the evidence?
RIP in peace.... really bobsplosion?
I very much remember this game.
Riding shotgun!
Excited that we are seeing something Persona related, kinda let down by not knowing a NA street date yet.
whatever dude
Yes it did. This is ONLY affecting EA's new releases. They aren't going into their backlog of releases and taking the online pas restriction away.
Awesome piece !
I fucking spilled coffee everywhere, but it was worth it.
This. So much this.
Are you serious? Download a demo of the title you want to try. Granted, a handful of games don't bother with the (Tomb Raider), but the rest do...