
Someone has to say it. This makes Sheriff Joe look less bigoted than he really is. He is sitting down with a gay man discussing gay activities with what appears, probably due to heavy editing, to be an open mind.

This is not really very helpful. The banking sector, much like tech, contributes a ton of money to the DNC. Not sure if anyone here knows this - probably not - but we spent pretty much everything, including reserves, to get Hillary elected. This is part of the reason that the Russian Hacking of our election is so

Regardless of this fellow’s hypocrisy, capital punishment is something every advanced, post-modern society needs. Punishment by death is the hallmark of social progress and should be used as a consequence more often in this age of extreme treason by the right wingers.

You act like Russia didn’t hack our voting systems and change votes to Trump.

Islamophobia is in extremely poor taste.  This is 2018.  Do better.

Starred for your first two sentences.  Replied for the last one.  Cortez is a total phony whose pimping of the DSA will earn her zero credit in DC.  I’m just happy that when she’s voted out after a single term that she’ll land a better gig than waitressing or whatever she claimed to have been doing.

You seem to be saying that it is perfectly fine for a monopoly whose owner is the richest man in the history of the world to not give anything back to the needy people of the country he pillages.  Did I get that right?

I think you’re confusing TDE with the increasing wealth gap that started under Trump.

The funny thing is that apparently Univision offered him a nicer package to stay for that exact reason: people love to click on his articles and comment out of pure, reactionary rage.  His contention was that he wasn’t Univision’s jester.  He went to NYMag because the tone of the publication more closely matched the

“Think”?  No, I know it hasn’t.  The wealth gap started under Trump and I guess to a lesser extent Bush.  Clinton essentially created the American Middle Class and Obama tried to save it.  

Obama disagrees with you.  There’s a reason he refused to support Ocasio-Cortez.  Her platform can’t win.  The DSA can’t win. 

Gay Conversion Therapy isn’t just a hoax - it’s evil. My cousin was forced to try it four years ago by our grandparents. When he came back he had nothing but horror stories and one particularly stuck with me. He told me that when he decided to become gay he made a pact with himself that it was a final and permanent


Like winning.

NAFTA was one of the greatest pieces of economic legislation this country has ever seen.  We were lucky to have an economic visionary in office at the time.  Bill Clinton saved this country more than once. 

I believe he put something up on Facebook but he quickly took it down.

Because there are zero dual citizens in congress.  Zero. 

Hamilton Nolan has taken a job at NYMag.

H-how useful? Centrist Democrats - The DNC - are the only segment of the left that can actually win at this point. Yeah yeah, DSA this and that. Please get real. You will not use the platform the DNC built so that you can lose to Trump and his supporters. You will not have access to the funds we raise.