Terrible Panda

This not a celebration of his death. It is a mourning that he will not be here to face the consequences of his existence.

You got substance in the article and didn’t give a shit about it, so don’t pretend you want it in the comments, asshat.

Get fucked.

Get fucked.

He was a horrible man and I’m glad he’s dead. 

Yeaaaaaaaahhhhh it’s bad. Happens to me A LOT since Solos launched, and it’s exhausting, especially when you make it to a late game match. Feels like you just completely wasted your time. I was so damn excited for Solos too.

Made it to the “final 4" in one game, and noticed it was taking A LONG time for any other

File this under “What could possibly go wrong?” file cabinet... along with the “We elected Trump as president” folder.

Trump is not doing any kind of a good job. The only reason we’ve avoided disaster is the Liberty Tree will take more than that one fat termite to bring it down in such a short time.

How you liking America made great again? Awesome, innit?

Wait, wait, wait - did they really print out a Trump tweet where he boast about being the best tweeter ever? That can’t be real. He couldn’t have written such a dumb thing. I mean, I know he is dumb as rocks, but he ain’t that dumb, right? Right?


I’d rather pay to join a porn site. Because at least I know I’m not the only one getting fucked.

I have always been of the opinion that conservatism and modern republicanism are little more than institutionalized cowardice.  They behave like spoiled children, running away rather than face situations that make them uncomfortable.

Play no mans sky.  

It’s odd job all over again!

I think the worst part of Apex is the 20 Hz servers. According to a netcode analysis video, Apex might have the worst damage/hit registration latency out of all the current FPS and BR games. I’ve shot people point blank with the peacekeeper and wingman with no hit registrations, and I’ve been hit behind cover before.

I wiped a squad at a hot drop with the Mozambique... By just punching them with it in my hands. 

I will attempt this. Which really means, I will fail to pull this off a few times and then go back to ignoring the Mozambique.

flicking your wrist 90 degrees, from horizontal to vertical, in .025 seconds. Like the developers at Valve, I would have guessed players with super twitch skills would be able to move fast, but not that fast.

The shutdown didn’t stop them from arresting him for “looking illegal”.