Terrible Panda

I can’t believe she’s up and back to streaming so soon. I would’ve assumed injuries like this would require at least a couple months of bed rest.

his career as a fortnite pro, maybe?

I predict she’s gonna be Rihanna-rich before the end of the decade. Regardless of your opinion of her, girl knows how to work with money. 

So paying doesn’t even put you on the homepage, it just increases the probability that you might make the homepage. Is this right? Does it say what the increase is, like 5-10%, or is just “an increase?” Like going from .001% to .0011%. That’s an increase.

Yeah but individuals making contributions are just going to be a drop in a bucket. Systemic change is the only sustainable solution for socioeconomic inequalities

The shirts also help raise awareness. Financial support is nothing without public support and pressure, after all.

Should’ve given a reward fitting for the bug, namely free games for life for this.

It was probably $12,500 before the 30% cut.

And you don’t hear about other games having this problem (or to this degree). It’s just the COD teams, year after year.

My buddy keeps trying to get me into Warzone and I keep flatly refusing. This is a very big part of why.

“socialist dreamboat”

I think streaming is more akin to acting than simply “playing video games.” If you actually want an audience, anyway.

What you’re not mentioning is that *most* of the cost is in the delivery, and it’s limited to one per purchase. It’s a bamboozle.

Damn. He also stole the sole Zip disk with the Half Life 3 source code.

“We have people living in our best highways, our best streets, our best entrances to buildings, where people in those buildings pay tremendous taxes,”

Since when has Trump’s EPA ever done anything to protect or restore the environment? So far, all he’s used the EPA for is a way to get rid of red tape so his friends can rape and pillage the land more easily.

“We’ve combed through terabytes of data over the last 3 years, and come to the conclusion ... mass shooters don’t wear fitbits or Apple watches.”

I just love Small Government™ Republicans and their support of Personal Freedoms®.

This is why calling domestic terrorism a “mental health issue” is a terrible strategy - there is no workable plan for identifying violent people out of the population. As soon as it’s a Democratic administration running the program all of the gun nuts will squeal non-stop about persecution.