t0ast @ opposite-lock.com

Rear head/leg room.

How DARE you sir. As the only man to ever RallyX a Milan I take offense. The car still looks great and has been the best vehicle I’ve ever owned. I’ve driven my 07 Milan V6 Base FWD model for just about 6 years and almost 80,000 miles (almost to 125k total miles). The Duratec 3.0 V6 has been strong, put up with my

Fellow conservative here. You make a few points that I partially agree with, but on the whole I think you miss the mark.

The irony that fca have been king of the manafesto ads the last decade or so and that this jeep ad and the ram ad were paid from the same coffers is not lost on me.

You know if they stopped short you’d be close to ramming into the back of their car? My Dog loves car rides. Put him in the front seat and his tail starts powerwagon.

Seems kinda dodgy to be dragon those around town like that.

I feel like this is a pertinent time to discuss the 2014 Columbia University study that found a strong correlation between the number of Volvo’s owned and the number of cats owned.

Dear Compete/Kotaku