t0ast @ opposite-lock.com

You can keep your fancy touch screen. Give me a bazillion buttons, switches and warning lights, all of which my Lancia Delta will need.

Congratulations on your accomplishment!! As a one time rugby player, “Shooting the Boot” is a long held tradition reserved for those who excelled by, well, not excelling.  I mean, if you screwed up on the field by tackling your own guy or messed up a line while singing rugby songs with the other team, you were

3 hours up, race, 3 hours home. Thanks for the love!

If you want more colorful commentary on the NC, I’ll let Mr. Regular take it from here.

Having driven both, the Miata is by far the better buy.

The AZ-1 isn’t really a supercar.

Let’s also remember a time when Subaru inexplicably made an Outback version as well. Let’s remember a time long forgotten when wagons were so fucking cool that Subaru had TWO hot wagons in the range. Every day we stray further from God.

I was very surprised to find out anyone at jalopnik knew about wolf parade this morning.

You also suck at aerodynamics because all you did was look at the Cd and totally ignored frontal area. Drag has two components. Cd is one, frontal area is the other.

Why can’t all teens be bitter, emotionally crippled, Tom Waits-loving alcoholics like I was at 17?

Hello, Omnigamer here. I did the analysis of Dragster. Just wanted to provide a few clarifications.

... man, this makes me super glad I watched the original in Japanese with subtitles. Hoping that’ll be an option for seasons 2 and 3.

I bought an XKR convertible a couple weeks ago. The other day I was getting gas when a little old lady (80ish) pulled up behind me in a lovely white Benz SEC. We’re talking like 4'10'’, curly grey hair, cardigan, the whole deal. She comes up, says ‘Wow, what a beautiful car, can I take a look?’ I tell her of course,