I must still disagree with you at a fundamental level.
I must still disagree with you at a fundamental level.
As both an automotive and computing enthusiast, this just made my morning. Thank you.
It was a simple question presumed to be aimed towards panic / worst case scenarios (considering the article), so I gave a simple, generalized answer in that context. I should have known better ... so here's to seeing my fear of it getting blown out of proportion realized.
No. You can't control the rate at which it will slow your vehicle, it only affects the driven wheels (which means it can potentially induce unwanted oversteer/understeer), and you'd be missing out on ABS and/or electronic brake force distribution (if your car has it). Unless you're a professional race/stunt driver,…
I'm with you, but sign me up for the 2.5 XT instead. Creature comforts are essentially the same, but for the cost of 2 HP and required premium fuel, you get...
Actually, people have been putting these controllers to use on the PC for some time now. It certainly takes some doing (about 3 pieces of drivers/software, an Xbox -> USB adapter, and probably some further tweaking beyond that) but being able to fire up your favorite Mech/Flight/Space sim with something like this…
Hardest available*. Gotta keep the skills sharp. If it's too easy, I'm going to lame through the game in the easiest possible manner. I like the game to make me work for it. I like to be forced to explore every mode of play the game's engine has to offer and put my Computer Science degree to use in trying to…
Optical media on desktop PCs may be on the decline, but this isn't a desktop PC. This is a light to moderate gaming rig meant for your living room TV. Consider that some people may want to occasionally toss in a DVD or BluRay movie and it makes sense.
+1 From a fellow KC-area resident (Independence here) in his 4th winter w/ a '07 Miata on Blizzaks.
Unless Razer is going to get more involved in the underlying tech that makes up a PC and its peripherals, they aren't going to be truly innovative. All I'm seeing here is a stupid amount of excess. They fight to win pointless numbers games. They throw all manner of neat but largely impractical doodads into otherwise…
Of course this is going to be more powerful, and have a few more games it can play because of it (hint: I said nearly-similar), but for ~1/2 the price, a pretty large number of popular/modern games can still be played on a dual-core Atom + Ion netbook. Anything on the Half-Life 2 engine is easily playable. Modern…
Performance specs are comparable to other cars on the market, but it costs twice as much. Looks are sleek, modern and unoffensive. Only two colors are available with small bits of different colored trim available as dealer only options. Reliability is above average. Electronic driver assistance is prevalent to the…
Personally, I think this trailer works.
Step 1: Remove summer or all-season tires.
Holy crap that was good.
I have a lot of trouble with the tablet segment as a PC gamer / power user, and this really isn't helping any.
Software Engineer in the Healthcare IT field here (for about 3.5 years now). I spend much of my day dealing with complexities and vagueness in addition to attempting to influence things which are many degrees of separation from my realm of control. Suffice it to say, this is exactly what I DO NOT want from my car. No…
Coming from the most recent San Diego Auto Show last month, I have a few suggestions for improvement:
Succeeding in MMORPGs is all about executing a large and varied sequence of actions quickly, accurately, and often simultaneously with movement. 12 tiny buttons on one surface is WAY too cluttered and vague to possibly complement this skill set. It makes about as much sense as actually using all of the default "1"…
Portal 2 did have a great narrative, but Saints Row still needs to win it, IMHO. From exploding gimp-pulled rickshaw chases to repeatedly breaking the fourth wall, SR3 pulls off a much more ridiculous and hilarious plot in an equally (or I daresay, more) seamless and engaging manner. It takes itself so much less…