Cab over.
Cab over.
Beat me to it. It seems like the OP video is slightly faster, but I think the invisible bit on this one still makes it just a little more awesome.
Last I checked, my '07 MX-5 is still pretty damn awesome to drive. They still make them and plan on continuing the model for some time (with a new generation currently in the works). Just saying.
(WARNING: video contains mildly NSFW language)
Actually released in 1990, otherwise I would have picked the exact same thing.
It's from the cheese. My Skyrim character is frequently wounded by stepping on skeleton rib cages the wrong way.
And one more for good measure. Not only did I snag the flag all three times... Not only did I do so in the ridiculous set of equipment shown... I figured out how to run myself through a wall at the end of some matches.
Another from WoW ... sneaking a small alteration into the guild's mod pack.
Clown Wizard here.
I saw that headset and immediately remembered this...
Beat me to it :-p
(retrying Secret of Mana, because the comment system apparently ate my first one)
Secret of Mana
Several SNES RPGs would be golden here...
... these screens *are* pretty neat ...