Not to demean this guy's effort, since these screens pretty neat, but I thought we already did the demake thing here about 3 years ago with an actual game...
Not to demean this guy's effort, since these screens pretty neat, but I thought we already did the demake thing here about 3 years ago with an actual game...
Fair enough. It is likely that my day job in an engineering role influenced my decision in buying a more "emotional" vehicle for the sake of variety :-)
As a Miata owner, you should know that the car isn't about chasing benchmark numbers and power. It's the feel behind the wheel that counts... that, and not having to haul around those extra 900+ lbs present in the Mustang.
Must have eaten my YouTube link. Reattaching.
No. Just... No. I think I'll go ahead and deal with this one like I did with each Mana-series title released after 2004: Pretend like it doesn't exist.
GT: IXI t0ast IXI
Monte Carlos without a doubt. I encounter at least one of these every other day or so, raging about all over the road as their driver's dangerously aggressive attempts at moving through traffic repeatedly fail. Naturally, there's a direct correlation between the percentage of the car covered in NASCAR-themed vinyl…
Mech games aren't about babysitting teammates.
Back again with this are we? At least the waters haven't been muddied this time by unrealistically enthusiastic Apple fanfare.
Admittedly, I wish I could have spent more time on that section to clarify and dig up a few more examples.
I'm fine with noting Apple here for the sake of their popularity, but this went WAY off the deep end by lauding technical attributes that Apple simply does not have.
There's so much wrong with this article, I don't know where to begin. Oh, wait, I do. Here we go, from the top...
Why are they even wasting space with this worthless pandering? I know there was an ODST + Forza 3 bundle, but come on... Keep your sub-par FPS franchise out of my racing sim >.<
Better video game drinking game: Mario Party.
I must have missed the memo. Since when did petty XBL arguments become newsworthy?
Personally, I'd rather see a Rogue Trip reboot (as it has — least among other things — a better Meat Wagon), but this should still do nicely.
Runner-up: Street Rod 2
Step 1: Create futuristic-looking cars.
Hell to the yes. I've been wanting that series back ever since the Blitz franchise went downhill.
PC gaming is more than "firsts". It's a more rewarding experience. Mouse and keyboard provides more in-depth control and potential for skill in almost any genre. The separation between those who make the hardware, those who make the OS, and those who make the software creates an open environment. Said environment…