Can the hobbit known as Kim just die already, please?
Can the hobbit known as Kim just die already, please?
Converting my R8 to RWD. If anyone has any VAG vehicle that is mid engine (not sure if possible on front engine cars), DO THIS, it is hands down the best thing I ever did for the car and its worth noting my R8 was heavily modified already. Benefits:
At first i thought people were keeping these on because they thought they were actually trying to protect their lips, (even though these vehicles aren’t low and its just cheap plastic) but now i realize the reason is far dumber
I ABSOLUTELY stand by this 1000%. I can not tell you how much removing the front axles improves VAG cars. The first car of mine I did it on was my R8, which was very modded, and it was the best thing I could have ever done. I’d it to everything now or buy RWD variants of their cars, like my Huracan is. If I still had…
wait Ken Block still sucks at rally? ok cool
Actually yea they can, any business can, until they say its because they’re black. A business doesn’t have to sell you shit if they don’t want to and they can cancel your order/deposit anytime they please. This place is racist though, but all im saying is they could’ve got away with it just saying “we’ve had problems…
Really did not expect to see the corvette at the top of the least driven
absolutely, thats what i said i would do in a dif comment
its a mystery
Why do people keep saying its 2018 like it has meaning or like some miracle happened this year and people all of a sudden became less shitty... but yea i said ban them all and i agreed in a dif comment that it was def fucked up that they stated their issue with them being black
Sounds like you dont understand what a contract is
The shooting has enough to do it with this even that the author felt it necessary to include it in the article... and yea its called a deposit, do i need to explain what that is or how it works for you? but yea youre right, just because its been “smooth” for 14 months i guess that means the original shooting never…
scanning for debris doesn’t include a giant white moving vehicle? and yea ive already assumed he was looking ahead, still tho, like i said this dude would had to have been over focused on his line to miss it
I do, all the time, hans, no hans, one could say ive been on tracks a decent amount in my life.... and ive driven a few spec miatas, theyre a handful but nothing i would consider dificult. but yes, exactly, he couldve bailed by spinning, not into the truck either
Was wondering when a retard would show up
Yea but he’d have to do 2-3 a day for 25 years.... its bullshit, he clearly sucks at math and bragging
‘Well she’s gone missing before, maybe she’ll come back,’” Bruno said. “I believe if my daughter was a white girl, they would have taken all my leads seriously.”
I wouldve if I knew it was another fraternity event
I never said that wasn’t racist, I was only speaking about the business decision from a business owner perspective. Were their intentions to deny based on race yea probably, or maybe it was just that one employee that was racist, who knows, theres definitely a racist in there somewhere based on what was said. but…
Im guessing youre not a business owner or dont get that different incidents in different industries have varying impacts. It doesnt matter where the shooting happend bc it got related to the restaurant. Therefor the business was associated to the shooting or else the author wouldnt have been able to talk about it and…