It’s like you and almost everyone commenting have never been to a city.... It doesnt matter who the fuck this was, they wouldve said the same to anyone.
It’s like you and almost everyone commenting have never been to a city.... It doesnt matter who the fuck this was, they wouldve said the same to anyone.
1 - every venue, every where gets trashed who ever comes to play, because they make money
Holy shit, where is the grammar in this article?
No one sees this as a creative tax write off/evasion?...
I don’t blame the restaurant. It’s their decision to make after having what was a pretty serious/traumatizing past experience. If you were to go and have a bad experience with something and someone asked you to do it again, youd probably say no too
Ok so this is technically the tow truck’s fault, but is Agha that blind or unperceptive that his peripherals dont work at all? Jesus its a spec miata, theyre not exactly made of power, or even know what power means. You have tons of time to make adjustments/corrections with these. He must be a pretty terrible driver…
poor guy was blindsided...
What this guy said
You act like the general public isnt shit and that this is a surprise... o wait it happened in China
As someone who actually flips high end/exotic cars and have been for 8 years, I’m calling BS on ALL of this
T tops are only for manufacturers who couldnt keep enough rigidity without the middle bar
go home
i cant be the only one mad with her hand on the car
You should put a warning in there before you give us the link to such vulgar porn
All i can say to this article is “no shit”. It’s like you’re unfamiliar with Porsche’s or something
na i just saw pics and decided not to read, who reads anymore anyway
why is there a Lambo in there...
Selling my 720s now, sooooo much want for this
Im calling BS just based on current tire technology and the fact that I flat out dont believe the guy is a proper qualified test driver. Any videos watching the acceleration of the car does not visually relate to something thats claimed to be this quick. Ive driven, been in and watched enough 1500+ hp cars to know