
So, you’re NOT suggesting banning “BOTH”, are you? Has your car (if you own one) killed anyone? Do you own a HAMMER? SCREW DRIVER? “Keys”? Do you have one or two hands? ALL WEAPONS OF ASSAULT.... :-)

Look I own or, I should say have owned over 7 weapons,AN AR-15. A .50, A AK-47 (2) COUPLE SHOTGUNS, AND A .22 OH AND A PISTOL... ALL were at one time, fully loaded, chambered and they REMAINED all about where I lived... over 8 years... AMAZINGLY...”NONE” seemed to SHOOT at me, nor anyone else...HUH, DEFECTIVE, YOU

My Wife has become a “Vegan”, I DO want to, I KNOW it HAS TO BE healthier, I PLAN ON transferring...100% over a short time. The MAIN thing, “To ME”, is...”I” WANT to control, at least what “I CAN”.

I do NOT want a rebuttal, but “PLANTS... ARE ALIVE”, too. Just so YOU might wrestle a bit, but to a “HUMAN” ear “THE PLANT” makes NO sound, no “cries”....