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Democrats shouldn’t give him shit. Let him shut down the government, then they should go on Fox news and explain that Trump promised Mexico would pay for the wall. That if Trump was truly a great deal maker, and fiscally conservative, then he would find a deal that is great for the citizens of this country. 

Who am I

To me the ideal would be adding the option to choose a PvP or a PvE server. That way, the people who want to go around being psycho-murderer griefers can have the option to do so with like-minded players. And the people who just want to do their own thing without harassing or being harassed by other players can also

Not enough rust.

I thought you were going somewhere much... darker with that post.

So that means BMW knows that the E46 is a better design. Referring to a forgotten detail about E46 is probably the only way they could get the rooms attention.

Real life Bond:

No, it’s not that easy.

I would post a select few screenshots I took this year. But what’s on show here makes my attempts look like the art my 2 year old niece draws. Endearing, yes, but also total crap.

P.S. I’m a little surprised by the lack of a RDR2 screenshot. It has some beautiful vistas that would make for great atmospheric shots. But

This. It wasn’t smooth enough or varied enough.

Designer =/= engineer

Came here to post this same thing. How he could think these look good and then actually proceed to brag in the comments that he was involved, is absolutely beyond me. That being said it starts to shed light on how some of these hideous things make it out of the design studio. Too many people who have no business

Those are tow mirrors, and Cornholio (the driver) has the mirrors in “Cornholio mode”, for no reason other than trying to look more like Cornholio.

The biggest offender in this design is that they relocated the mirrors to the door body, but then just filled that triangular area of the window in with BLACK FUCKING PLASTIC!!! The whole fucking point of door-mounted mirrors is to allow you to make that area out of stuff you can see through, like glass, and reduce

That’s even better than the old Ram’s “Great Cornholio” mirrors

A Prius with a V8 behind the driver isn’t a Prius.  A Corvette with it’s engine behind the driver isn’t a Corvette.

Disagree, while he was definitely great, Roger Clark was fucking masterful as Arthur Morgan and definitely should have won. Halfway through RDR2's campaign I was invested in Arthur, and that is not something that happens to me with game characters.

All I see are a whole bunch of these:

This is the 2019 Camaro SS all over again. Saw this on a Reddit thread- Looks like someone went to the Toyota school of design

I acknowledge that history is complex and that’s especially true with this subject matter. I’m glad that Battlefield treats it that way. But The Last Tiger’s extraordinary production value is hell-bent on telling the tale of “the Good German” while glossing over the fact that you don’t exactly get to be a Wehrmacht