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I think that’s why it doesn’t drive like a huge car today. Everything else got bigger, but this is basically Accord-sized now. 

What an idiotic thing to say. They haven’t begun to even figure out how many are dead yet with 1,200 people still unaccounted for along with their beloved pets and nearly every trace they ever existed.

With all the respect.... You’re an idiot. This the largest and deadliest in CA history.

Yeah but the last couple years have been REALLY bad.

Anyone who says motorsports are not a “sport”, need to be immediately directed to this video.

Now playing

Watch from 9m15s onward for the 2nd lap, with external footage. I know you’ve seen this before, but if you want to talk about balls out Rear engine laps, I’m yet to see better.

Wouldn't be a Battlefield launch without some game breaking bugs

You are not weird. I do that also. The ups and downs of the tire industry are interesting. The well deserved derision given to the original Goodyear Gatorback unidirectional tires gave way to almost every tire manufacturer using that concept. The rise of asymmetrical treads. The pushback from commercial trucking

I was playing BF4 about a month ago and it still was going strong with dedicated servers and patched out to heck, runs like hot butter. Waiting will just make you save money and you will get the better experience. Unless the games flops like BF hardline did but I doubt it. 

I’m playing on PC and it's quite buggy still, so I'd take your time

It’s like when people pay 40K for a car but scream at the 1K price tag for tire replacement, the only things from the car that actually touches the ground

I think the point is: it doesn’t really make a difference to an innocent bystander whether the car that uncontrollably smashes into you has flashing lights or not.

As a long time battlefield series fan, this is the first to disappoint me (even Hardline had its moments)

nah the tides of war doesnt start till dec, the br isnt in till next year, waiting is fine

Agreed. Put the editorial think piece in the editorial. Put the review in the review.

So like... how many maps are there? How many game types are available in multiplayer? How’s the matchmaking UI? How many guns? Are the guns locked behind personal level and/or challenges of some sort? What is the tick rate of the servers? Do you have the option of choosing a server? How many classes are there? What

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How is it bauhaus? Honestly (I’m an architecture/design dork, so seeing stuff like this thrown around always bugs me)

Viner had lost a reported $1.50 on a bet

Is it me, or has there been a drastic decrease of Swatting calls after this one happened?  After the kid was arrested, and it was clear he was going to face serious prison time?