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I hope they bring it back exactly as it was for PvE. As for PvP, it was a fun novelty for the short-term but completely absurd and now its over.

Did they not test this kind of stuff out before releasing it to the wild?

That is what I want/need in life


Why do they even need to retrieve it at this point? Seems like a hassle

Saw a guy with a tree on i95 yesterday, held down by (seemingly) loose twine... scary

Yeah, but usually just to check out of curiosity the dumbasses texting so I know who to keep my distance from.

I miss the co-op multiplayer mode above all

None of the answers involved alcohol, invalid quiz

Cannon and USS might top my list for most disliked maps from any fps. I sure would like to try Carentan again after all these years, hopefully it gets released to everyone at some point.

Criticisms aside, I’m super excited for this. W3 is easily one of my favorites so hopefully this follows the same path

I enjoyed this one, I haven’t finished the single player yet but this one definitely stands out as a welcome change of pace.

I was probably 10 or 11, don’t remember exactly. Young. My moms car, a red ‘98 A6 wagon, was blocking my skateboard ramp and no one was home. I decided I would move it...how hard could it be? I have never parked more crooked in my life. She was furious.

“You’re not expected to survive...”

W3 & D2 probably a bit

Damn, I still have the air bag thing to take of too...

That’s just...too perfect

I’d live with it only if they still have a full map at various scales and this is important - opens fast and is accurate. Give me a quick map button, I’ll be using it a lot. Don’t make me pause, tab over to world map, open it etc etc..

It’s Halloween, people need to lighten up. You’ll see worse things on the evening news