This show has gone downhill ever since Tim took over again. More Popcorn Classics!!!!
This show has gone downhill ever since Tim took over again. More Popcorn Classics!!!!
guys really live in multi-million-dollar houses like this and don’t see any issue
I’m trying to imagine a life where I get this upset, likely visibly, by loading times in a video game.
Playing with an obvious and vulnerable injury? He’s lucky Marchand is on his team, not the Blues.
Please. Magary can write circles around Simmons. They are only superficially similar. But Magary has a level of self-awareness and restraint that makes his immaturity endearing, whereas Simmons has always just been a juvenile asshole.
I now realize Pittsburgh plays a key role in the original batshit article, but you’re going to lead with a photo of the Roberto Clemente Bridge, wouldn’t it make sense to give its connection the slightest bit of context this post???
The Flyers have expressed interest in the Boston net and are offering a 3 year deal for it to play goal for them.
Ahhh yes, a floating cosmic turtle that appears near the very end of a 1,000 page novel is the highlight of IT, not the psychopathic clown that terrorizes children.
Shut up you fucking baby
I look forward to your upcoming seven-part Dead Letters series.
The geolocation on Jay’s tweet being “Greenwich, CT” is too perfect
that is one hell of a list of endorsements, in that it comes from hell
“I want to see my team have a record that literally makes them a league-average team just to shut up the assholes I choose to associate with.”
Theory: It is impossible for a Pats fan to write more than 5 words about the Pats without coming across as completely insufferable. Hey, so sorry because of a run of unprecedented success you have to deal with some people who don’t like the team the same way you do. Must be really fucking difficult!
There were only 5 Pats fans back then and 3 of them have since died.
So glad you’ve been relieved of the burden of playing this game. Thanks for sharing this critical update with your fans.
Kirk, this is easily the best game review I’ve ever read, but also the best writing of any kind that I’ve read on this website. I enjoyed your creative narrative prose over the the technical trappings of FPS and other “data.”
pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child
It didn’t kowtow to Marvel making a movie with all its characters as a defining cinematic achievement, and correctly assessed that movie as just OK, not as good as some of the others. So, yeah, absolutely nothing was wrong with it.