probably would’ve sat your ass on the bench cause you suck and aren’t steph curry
probably would’ve sat your ass on the bench cause you suck and aren’t steph curry
was pretty accurate*
there’s no limit on how many people can be a great kid. you don’t know he’s responsible for the crash
so the actions of one night negate an entire life?
how is “words mean things” a rebuttal to that?
only if you’re an idiot. you can still be a great kid and get a little drunk and do a little coke
issues with head and neck injuries are as old as the game itself. legislate all you want, stuff like this will continue to happen due to the nature of the sport. I also think there’s no chance this sport would be around if not for “Merica, football, hur dur”
despite being just a tiny youth at the time i remember hearing it was the ChiSox first world series win since 1917 and it felt like no one gave a shit since the Red Sox broke their streak the year before. Weird because looking back at it the White Sox series win was more of a big deal, probably just annoying boston…
and your point is...
he did a really bad job of hiding his schlong even for the circumstances
he may or may not be a lemonade thief but he sure as shit looks like a grave robber
I actually know a guy who’s been supporting trump from the beginning and is now “not sure” if he’ll for the Cheetoh Bitch...but he also told me a country can’t have national health care and that David Duke kissed hillary on the cheek so it’s probably complete bullshit
yeah i bet you’d like to go party with Kraft and his orange butt buddy and go grope chicks
being a racist scumbag makes you a badass now, thanks for the info hamilton
wow what an awful take
so do you really think any useful football info gets revealed by players in these post game pressers? besides the fact the his coach and teammates have said this hasn’t been a distraction or cut into the amount of time he’s spent on football, it’s ridiculous you’d think a post game presser is one of the times he needs…
yes all of us saying don’t blame the victim for the tragedy need to be more understanding in the fallout of a tragedy. you’re a moron and you can go fuck yourself
how many other people took your comments the same way i did? maybe learn how to be clearer in your writing
you haven’t explicitly said “I blame her/her parents” but every comment you’ve made where you focus on her being out at 4am puts the blame on them instead of the people in a fucking shootout
but that would still mean the key to prevention of these things isn’t not being out at 4am if that’s not the time one is most likely to be shot. you go ahead and keep blaming the victim and her parents for two groups of reckless assholes having a shootout and murdering an innocent bystander