t bone pickens

hey brother bear, is it 8:40 yet

I mean people get murdered at any time of the day, the idea that her being out at 4am made it more likely for her to be shot is statistically untrue. The people blaming her or her parents for this in any way are pretty despicable

statistically speaking, the least amount of murders happen between 3 and 5am, but your idea that any part of this is her fault or her parents’ fault has been bullshit the whole time

this guy is such a corn

most murders happen at 4am? let me see some evidence of that... or not...because that’s totally incorrect

you said the “odd time” is the key to prevention in the future, implying things like this wouldn’t happen at a different time, which is total bullshit

yeah cause no one gets shot at any time besides 4am

fuck yourself

would it have been that bad if she just said “no”

can we talk about how stupid carson’s quote on the screen is too?

I can tell by your username this is a conversation you’ll have great insight on

great article, but....

“2% list”

people in this state don’t even know to go the right speed while on the highway itself, never mind the on ramp

This new technology you speak of confounds me

yeah that would be pretty useful. some gyms have separate stations to fill up water bottles, but that’s still pretty rare

oh alright i got ya, my bad. and yeah the gallon jugs are a force, no one is drinking a gallon in a workout.

...that’s not what the benches are for, and who wants to get up and go to the fountain every time they need a drink

that’s a very bold claim

The Kentuckian who reads articles**