
Look I live in Texas so that might rule out my opinion on snow/ice driving whatsoever, but it seems to me that these people are going wayyy too fast over that hill. So they’re a bunch a dicks for that. But The Comcast guy could have taken 5 minutes, walked two cones up to the top of the hill and probably solved the

The fucking irony of the people who supposedly follow good Christian values and teachings, but only if those values and teachings can adhere to their personal fucked up nature. Good lord, I am so sick of this bullshit. Don’t stand there and feed me your Christian values crap if you’re willing to look the other way at

A ton of romantic partners? or a ton of privacy shields? or limos? What man?! What does my local library have a ton of??!?

Did anyone go look at the google maps of it? I don’t see any homes so either he’s awfully sentimental about an apartment or I’m missing something.

The irony of Megyn Kelly being the voice of reason... it’s going to be a long four years.

Yeah except it’s not. Unless you’ve got a pretty twisted sense of what’s right and wrong, you’re not going to talk about assaulting anyone. But then maybe there’s the problem... you don’t realize it’s assault.

Someone posted earlier about this but effectively; Play stupid games win stupid prizes is spot on. I happen to live in Texas, and while I’m all about gun safety, if I look out my back window and see a clown staring back (or anyone uninvited for that matter), I might walk away only for them to see me return loading

Bonus points if you can tell me why this little British roadster is different from all the other little British Roadsters.

Isn’t it just the slightest bit odd that a judge decided the best course of action here is to accuse the victim of making shit up? Like, let’s assume for a second it is made up. Oh well, people like attention and they’ll do what they can to get it. On the flip side, let’s say (this is the way I’m leaning tbh) Lochte

You never stop a hilux.

Dear God. Did you have any cushion? I imagine a nice wind stopper, and solid insulation layer plus some face masks would make it interesting, but that is a really long ways in a plain truck bed. Also for everyone else reading his comment, that’s about a 2.5-3 hour drive.

Everyone knows it ain’t drunk drivin’ if its a golf cart. Also pet wolves? Seriously in this heat? It’s supposed to be 106 today for a heat index. Having a pet wolf in Houston is the dumbest thing I can think of.

Anyone who gets on here and declares that they should have shot is out of their mind. The guy is in a car ramming other vehicles. Admittedly, there was a driver in the cab it seemed but he was also in another vehicle which was arguably the safest place to be on that street. Did the driver need to be stopped? Yes. Did

Possibly the greatest quote of this whole shitshow though comes from the head of the FA - “They were not tipsy, they were drunk. They don’t exist for us any more.” Read it with a Russian mobster accent “They do not exist anymore.” Clearly, they’re not Russian but its funnier that way.

I’m so tired of hearing people bitch and moan about all of these people who own trucks but don’t use them like “they’re supposed to be used.” Who the fuck is clarifying how they’re supposed to be used? I don’t have one but you know what? I wish I did. I bought my current DD, an xterra (which is a great vehicle btw),

Hold the fuck up. Abortions are frowned upon and so-called “in poor taste”, but apparently just sticking a new born baby in a black “heated, padded box” for an undetermined amount of time until someone comes to take the baby out of said box is cool? Cool. Good to know that’s our plan for dealing with the problem of

Right. That’s all well and good, but as DeMuro pointed out, what about the people who’s car simply won’t pass? They still need the car, and let’s not get into the whole “they can just take the bus” or “well then they don’t deserve to have a car” thing because that’s just idiotic and naive. Those people still have to

Honestly, I think we might be on to something here. I’ve always hated how long pauses are in football.

How about 100 yards? And we’ll give them pads because they are tiny after all. And after awhile they might start bulking up to protect themselves more. Also lets put a ball in the middle of it so that we can define a clear winner.. See where I’m going with this?