While I certainly understand that the way videogames “glorify” violence can make people uncomfortable, and there is absolutely some stuff worth unpacking there, this strikes me as completely ass-backwards.
While I certainly understand that the way videogames “glorify” violence can make people uncomfortable, and there is absolutely some stuff worth unpacking there, this strikes me as completely ass-backwards.
In case you aren’t joking, D.Va DID get a new ability where she sends a barrage of micro missiles, similar to rocket barrage but obviously MUCH weaker. She can use them while rocketing and shooting her shotguns at the same time so it’s a great way to apply a lot of damage to a dive-able squishy target, such as Zen.
i have several questions:
Done. I call it a scroll wheel.
Ok but this one only fits one of those criteria, it’s not OWL it’s Overwatch Contenders
Holy shit. How?
Screw 911, just take the case to reddit and they can probably track the asshole within a week. THEN call the cops.
Aside from the question of whether or not a 12 year old should be streaming, I think it’s basically irresponsible to send a 12 year old child tens of thousands of streamers, as if this is some kind of healthy favor.
Like sports. We have all figured out to stop watching sports and play them. That’s why there’s no more sports leagues.
12, 13. What’s the difference?
I’m actually a little surprised this kid is smart enough to stream and run a YouTube channel. I’m a grown adult and I still have to puzzle my way through Skype, Twitch and such. If I was his parents, I’d let him continue this hobby due to the fact it can bud into something more. Like a career in hosting events,…
If I had a gaming stream that brought me more revenue than what my current job would bring in, then streaming would be my job. I won’t knock their hustle.
For the folks asking, “Why was the kid streaming,” I’m just gonna be blunt:
Way to miss the fucking fire burning the house down over the smoke that’s offending your nostrils.
Yes, the kid’s young, and yeah, it’d be a much better idea for them not to be streaming, but they are not the problem here. The cowardly, craven…
I find it really hard to believe that the technology to track people making fake 911 calls is not there yet.
SIDEBAR: I really, REALLY don’t get why people do that...
Arn, I’m pretty sure “some force” up there is supposed to be code for “Those dirty SJWs”.
Samuel L. Jackson, but he didn’t have any superpowers because black people don’t need any.
Well I mean, missing the playoffs in back to back splits would make it pretty hard to play for an overall championship at the end of the year.