But she’s not useless at higher tiers.
She has an above average win rate all the way up to Grandmasters, nor is she the least played character at any rank. (if online stat trackers are to be believed).
But she’s not useless at higher tiers.
She has an above average win rate all the way up to Grandmasters, nor is she the least played character at any rank. (if online stat trackers are to be believed).
The issue is that literally nobody will be upset with you if you’re a D.Va/Tracer “main”, but if you even attempt to lock in Sym/Torbjorn or Doomfist people are upset.
Well in Grandmasters she’s played more than Reaper, Mei, Torbjorn and Bastion, and she has an above average win rate.
But. WHY.
Why take the time to even... Who even thinks like... ???
My mind is trying to consume this info and it’s like a friggin jawbreaker. Or solid stone. I can’t.
I mean what would the ideal team even be?
4 tanks is completely viable in some maps, and the rare game we got 4 supports on the same team were some of my most successful.
Well I’ll forgive you for not knowing, but yeah, it’s a very very very VERY common stereotype that black people love fried chicken and just because it doesn’t bother you doesn’t mean it doesn’t bother people.
Tommorow you will have forgotten all about this article and I will STILL be seeing this stupid ass gif:
Doesn’t it seem awfully messed up for one artist to tell another artist they should be ashamed of themselves for making a different kind of game?
Like he might think violence is unnecessary but the “No Russian” scene from Call of Duty was extremely moving and nearly iconic. You’d think another person in the industry…
As a black guy who genuinely loves the inclusiveness of Overwatch character designs I do have to agree, to put down blizzards character designs as lazy just because two white girls have somewhat similar faces (while having completely different silhouettes, abilities and characterization) is ridiculous.
Because if your mute them you’re probably not gonna win.
Nobody is talking about Road-Hooking a D.va ult into their own team and getting spammed with “Thanks”.
Sometimes people play games to have fun, not as some contest to see how much directed abuse they can take without being upset. Especially in a casual, unranked game of HotS.
It’s because you can’t infer anything from the way a person types.
On one hand they shouldn’t have to change their culture to accomodate the west.
I think it sucks that he immediately went on the defensive here. Why can’t Taliyah be hot? Can a girl with her nose not be perceived as sexy?