
I will not.

Happy to oblige!

there are two in my neighborhood! love them.

I seriously cannot get enough of Terraia these days. I will play (on my PS Vita) as much as my thumbs allow.

I am so angered by that shoddy keyboard! How could you Apple.

I vote for the muffaletta! That sounds great!

When I was a kid my dad made me a clothes horse for my bedroom, so I’m a big fan of those or hooks on the bedroom door. I’ve looked for a clothes horse a cool as the one my dad made, but of course have never found one.

Hey! I’d love to try this, but I am allergic to mushrooms. Any ideas for replacements?

Miller High Life!! Love it when I can find the 7oz ponies.

I really don’t think this stance is going to go well for the commissioner.

Darkside of the Moon. I’ve owned it for 30 years. It is by far my favorite thing to listen to on vinyl.

Darkside of the Moon. I’ve owned it for 30 years. It is by far my favorite thing to listen to on vinyl.

I’m in! Looking forward to improving my financial life.