One good rain and no more iPhone. I'll stick to otter/pelican boxes, thank you.
One good rain and no more iPhone. I'll stick to otter/pelican boxes, thank you.
I can personally thank him then for my 9-7X going up in value after I bought it. I bought it at the height of Saab's being closed ordeal.
@tekdemon: My brother has the 9-2X (I have the 9-7X) and it is really just sheet metal over a half wrx/half imprezza. Not a bad car mind you. He did, however, kill an engine by not checking his oil levels.
Started playing this at lunch today, and all I can say is DAMN YOU!
@ITLawMan: I was talking about using them together, not against each other.
@NorwoodIsMyHero: Probably only has a 2d card or baseline 3d card. Unless the program was made to use GPU power along with the CPU, in which case, there could be an awesomely powerful card in there.
@Ccomfort: Not exactly. Some companies do have "scruples" or basic principals they adhere to. Yes, those can change with a given CEO, but that fact remains, most companies have a code of ethics.
"You know I am more closely related to a sea cucumber"
@moonshadowkati: A) it is too much of a gimmick.
@geekymitch: On a MAC? Otherwise, I haven't had to use software on any camera, ever. I do use Adobe Bridge, but that is because it renames the files with dates and drops them into folders with said dates.
@HiAperture: You have the patience to sit in a hide for weeks at a time to get the shot?
@myfriendtheZebra: Well, with the rise of laptops as the primary computer for people, the use of these devices actually makes more sense.
@Benedinho: Actually, some of them may have been "Wildlife" photographers.
@DoYouLikeToastToo?: It got denied for inappropriate content. You could use it to control a playlist of porn in iTunes.
@wk1234: Already have strabismus (sp?). Don't really need anything else wrong with my eyes.
@sirmeili: You run a separate program for BB syncing, thus, not tied to iTunes.
@budice4ever: You run a separate program on your computer, from the sounds of things. More than likely, it just accesses the files that iTunes creates, rather than some other approach.
@Gareth Freshwater: IT currently doesn't support it. Dammit.
So,the screen res sucks, but my bigger concern is UI.
@Ozzie, The Last Hairbender: Sucks to be you, mine seem to be getting better each year.