
I’m not an Obama fan personally, but can we just keep him for 1 more year and start this election over? The rules are: If you have run for prez in the last decade you can not run again.

I dnt play them games

Fuck it, call me cynical: for a guy that’s been urged to do the dunk contest for 10+ years, I’ve never seen him do a dunk that makes me believe he’s capable of even pulling off a 9 in said contest, yet every single jam he throws down gets hyped. Yeah, it was impressive, and yes, you guys don’t do this shit as much as

The grooved bit is there to be broken off and then placed on the table so you can put the pick down temporarily without the business end touching the table. See the 6th paragraph here:…

Still nothing beat Waze Elvis. RIP Waze Elvis. You are missed.

I applaud what the Braves are doing. There is zero nobility in winning 78 games. Many teams and fan bases still don’t understand that. If you’re going to rebuild, you go all in.

This is an incorrect list:

I think its time for Christopher Nolan to take over this series.

Yeah, ligandrol is a SARM that gym-goers that don’t want to go full steroids or GH use now that pro-hormones are banned and illegal. Supposedly, natural test shutdown isn’t as bad on it. However, it is also not nearly as effective as steroids or testosterone injections, yet still illegal.