
You actually can smoke weed out of hookahs, Ive done it, They do it on Zombieland. Sometimes i mix a little flavor shisha and weed to get a good taste.

I only had one bug had to restart my console it was fixed.


thats aside from the point,

Lol Yea why do you think he had to do what he did, no one of this relatives will ever have a government job, even in 100 years from now.

you really dont understand, to be picked for these jobs you have to be born into it r chosen, if your someone who gonna plot to take them down, they know that, and never gonna hire anyone from your family.

No.. But I do look through the phone and the music and pictures folders anyway, to see if theres any preloaded videos, or songs, or tutorials or something like that. My ipod nano 1st gen came with songs already on it.

is it only on wii u? or can we expect a 3DS release too?

I am so excited to see this, Holy Roman Empire is where its at.

sell them i heard. a few of them were at a convention i went to

anime release? promotion perhaps?

no i got it, more a crappy pun than a joke.

maybe, honestly the simpsons tapped out, is one of my favorite time killer.

same thing to me every dungeon

would it talk to?

what win?

Well I know how to get max dmg with zell, that will definatly be a achievement

not what we call moon dust back home, ;p

Honestly I understood most of what they said, a lot of words that dont have to be there or are just there to make it look more japanese, like all the SO DES NES,

no battlefield actually has sway