
In the hospital is too late

but it is enough to get you through an annoyig meeting where all you do is just sit there

unicorn that turned out to be some wierd distorted beast

thats the worst version, they made it to easy,

how could anyone play ocarina of time and not even beat it, i started that amazing journey and i couldnt put it down,

guiness is surpsisingly really good in hotchocolate

I love the true form Midna!

yea looked like a pussy battle against that guy

"square mile of sunlight would only put about four pounds of pressure on the ground on Earth"

i see people wearing this exact outfit all the time


spy kids plot^^^

thats why the recent uprising in cyber attacks is so scary, why would anyone want this with all these cyber criminals surfing around. I guarantee something like this will never come out till they can guarantee no cyber attacks

they just did

its a xbox controller with a shittier dpad ,and playstation buttons

no tosh did a bit about this not that long ago, bout some chinese chick riding the bus scratching and sniffing :D

sound like you come from my school, one of good friends from elementary was allergic to peanuts, he never had an attack as long as ive known him, he knows he cant have them

There are plenty of other media sources you couldve used to support the same argument, Im surprised Nintendo doesnt sue his ass

The "TH" sound was translated by some retard, and they put it as the "TSU" sound in Japanese. Not the "SU" sound

or just auto loot