
"Let's Go" ripping off "Sonic Reducer" always made me cringe. To be fair, an album track is almost always better than the demo, no matter who produced them. I found a bootleg of a live show from around that time that included some of the lesser tracks from End of Century stripped down which was pretty interesting to

Back in the 90's, when Subway was really taking off, a bunch of other fast food chains started adding subs to their menus. Arby's was one of them. Imagine a regular Arby's roast beef, and then imagine an entire foot worths of Arby's roast beef. To this day, one of the worst post-meal feelings I've ever had.

For some reason I still remember that RS review as well. I remember being a bit disappointed in that record because it went more butt rock than the "alternative" sounding first record which was something that bothered me when I was 16 because I was a pretentious blowhard.

I can get behind this idea.

The highlight of his career was having that Jack Daniel's bass in the "Panama" video.

Yes, but can we all agree that Michael Anthony is a huge hack? The luckiest guy in rock n' roll, a barely competent player surrounded by much more talented people yet still cashed the paychecks (for a while at least).

"Jenna is a No Show" or GTFO!

I also saw Street Fighter in the theater, twice. But, because of the ironic "this is so bad it's good" factor. I may also have been high.

Agreed. A bit different than Bastards and Jersey's Best but still holds up compared to those classics. Caught them during the reunion tour for this record and they were great. Looking forward to seeing them at Fest this year, even though it means I have to go to Florida.

I played in a band that came dangerously close to covering this jingle during our sets.

I look forward to songs that just repeat the same line over and over and over again.

In a fit of youthful narcissism, remember going through Napster for my own band at some point, and finding other songs mislabeled as ours. I felt a little proud and a little horrified at the same time.