Eh, fair enough. I can imagine that it would be harder to get into it after already watching the superior "Flash." Slade was just a really cool villain.
Eh, fair enough. I can imagine that it would be harder to get into it after already watching the superior "Flash." Slade was just a really cool villain.
I think so! You free on Saturday to help me move some stuff out of storage?
And you can get it in either black or gold!
I'd say definitely give Arrow a shot. The first season doesn't really get good until the end, but the second season is REALLY cool. After that, it's less… good.
Definitely a great choice. That coupled with the freeze-frame/dissolve in the video just absolutely kills me.
And incidentally, World Gone Wrong is absolutely fantastic.
I would have agreed with you earlier in the season, but this coming after Zeb finding that his people are alive allows it to work for me. I think he's softening up/maturing quite a bit.
I thought the crash was due to the failure of "Keytar Master" to truly bring the keytar experience to the home console:…
I was also somewhat insulted by that brushoff. It's a very good album. "Valentine's Day" is fantastic.
Also, Rey was shown to be quite the badass with her staff earlier. So between her calling on the Force, her bo skills, and Kylo having major injuries, it's not TOO surprising.
Until they tell a story that specifically contradicts KOTOR, I'm going to just assume it still happened. It really makes me wish they kept the deleted scene from an episode of "The Clone Wars" that showed Revan speaking with the Son….
It worked out much better than you would expect. On most shows it would just seem desperate and add nothing of value, but not here.
I can’t decide if I want to upgrade my PC to be able to run these newer games or get a PS4. The main reason I’m leaning toward PC is XCOM. Lack of backward compatibility with the PS3 is also pretty annoying, as I don’t really want to just get rid of all my old games and the entertainment center is pretty packed as it…
Well, classical pieces will reuse motifs from earlier songs, or if you count an overture's use of later songs, then that, too.
Although my friend and I often have conversations consisting entirely of Simpsons and Seinfeld quotes, the one I think we most often use isn't so much a "quote" as it is an utterance; the little "uh" Bart makes when he punches the wall in frustration from having to give up his fancy, quilted toilet paper.
Watching Stephen try to get the name "Filliam H. Muffman" out without breaking just kills me.
The constant burns from the cornballer just absolutely crack me up every single time, particularly Michael's.
Two Kramer line readings just absolutely kill me every time. Just thinking about them makes me laugh:
There's still time to go with "In2pendence Day!"
No. Sorry.