Syphilitic Scalia Says

It went up like a cloud of vape smoke.

You need to read between the lines with O’Reilly, Carlson, et al. They aren’t saying a ban on assault weapon for everyone, just a ban for those that aren’t white and über Christian.

Whoa. Trippy.

The King of Hits eats whatever he wishes.

Anybody who says that Pete Rose can eat shit is just a lazy fuck who hated that Charlie Hustle ran everything out every day. And then their little league coach would rub their faces in it “If Charlie Hustle can run down to first after a pop fly so can you.” Coach Al was a prick.

“Called” Gretchen? We still do!

But that $35k Vitter got covers a lot of adult diapers and fetish hookers!

even if it means Chris Evans may fire off some petulant tweets.

You mean the high sparrow is right? Nothing tommen says going forward is tommen’s idea

As Bunk said on The Wire “I’m just a humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick...and I ain’t all that humble.”

It’s buff right out.

Not with that fucking drawl...

According to the writers, there was a fictional place called “Mandyland” where all the characters who were shuffled off the show went to live out their lives (like Christian Slater’s character).

You know the motorcycle cop came over to the guy and yelled “Stop resisting! Stop resisting!”

And what did they do to Mandy? :cries:

And now Talking Dead will tease the shit out of them like they are the lost scrolls of Turin or some shit.

I got the impression that he was wearing a cup and that the ball hit the cup, which hurts, and shift the cup around. Then the further jumping and squating shifted it even further. I say this bc a HS friend was wearing a cup in a JV baseball game and had a shot glance off of it. If the kid wasn’t wearing a cup, I think

Jade Helm 4.0? What happened to Jade Helm 3.0? Was it so super-secret that had it and didn’t tell anyone?

Incorrect. We can implement selective availability and control who can and cannot use GPS anywhere on the planet. This was part of the original design of the system.

Remember the Philadelphia Experiment?