Syphilitic Scalia Says

When I was in HS 25 years ago I located a copy of it on VHS in the back of some magazine and mail ordered it. Four week late it arrives at my house and I had a little get together for some friends to watch the movie. We were absolutely floored.

Fucking perfect! Love me some Zappa.

Now playing

I hope Google gets Kevin Kline to record the voice for the car calling someone an asshole.

Now playing

Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s a crocodile!

Which one is the haggis?


I think people are shocked because he, a member of the GOP leadership, said out loud whatever one else knew to be true.

Hahaha! Right you are!

Or the guy selling the shitty one use umbrellas for $10 to the suckers who didn’t bring theirs with them.

This deserves so much more love.

Multiple sources now confirm that several people were all-out crying in the recent GOP meltdown meeting where McCarthy bowed out. A mess.

WTF is up with this lame attempt at a mustache. Who does he think he is? Peter Sellers on a bender in a French Mime Art Comedy?

You have no TS tickets for them, and they have no votes for you, you condescending asshole.

“C’mon guys, don’t be so hard on Bell. He was calling her ‘Tits McGee’ to remind everyone to get checked for breast cancer. It is Breast Cancer Awareness month you know.” - Jim Norton.

“Bernie! BERNIE! You’re breaking it! Stop! STOP BERNIE!”

But how else would his friend see the lights right before his ey-eyes?

“And the heckler’s name was...Donald Trump. I’m Paul Harvey, and now you know the Rest of The Story.”

He’ll get rid of that dastardly car tax one day!

“We devalue human life, we have no regard for the sanctity of human life in any regard, from the unborn, to the old, and to every single person in between, we devalue it and act as if we have almost no regard for humanity.”