Syphilitic Scalia Says

it’s like Darwin and his finches, but with swear words.

Do you know what is my Daily Fantasy? That our elected representatives in Congress actually do their fucking job and not muck things up with petty politics and vested interests from big business.

Narcos is really, really good. I wish they would swear more tho. I have so far been able to determine some of what my Colombian ex-girlfriend would say to me, but some other stuff...not so much.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the next time ESPN did a story about controversy surrounding (or other notable news about) Draft Kings the segment was sponsored by Fan Duel.

+1 This comment nails it so hard it’s permanently attached to the floor.

“A gift of water? You don’t say...”

What a piece of shit. I always wonder with people like this if their views on guns would change if a close family member were to be killed in a bloody gun related murder out like the one that took place in Oregon or Sandy Hook. Sadly, I think that their views would not.

Are you calling me a liar? That’s it!! You just lost my vote!

Samuel Goldwyn Films has acquired the rights to the film about “a world where women no longer need men in order to reproduce and are no longer giving birth to male babies, leaving the male population on the verge of extinction”.

Somewhere, One Direction is getting ready to record their version of Suicidal Tendencies’ “Institutionalized” based on the events in this video.

“Hey, there is a job opening?” - Matt Williams

+1 Papal indulgence

Can’t believe his co-star goes by such a ridiculous moniker.

I think you’re confusing Boston with, uh, wherever leprechauns live.

Or use promo code “JustkiddingImWhite”

Sigma Chi is the KKK one.

Starred for the awesome reference.

Does the video show what happened to his eye brows?

You need to add Fit-Bit to this list.