Syphilitic Scalia Says

Thanks! I have just started reading the postings over here. I'll make sure to read the Manifesto.

It took me a minute, but when it all came together it was magnificent. Well done!

This was a thing of beauty.


Well played sir.

They look like they are the contest finalists for the "Win the modeling job for the re-release of The Best of Kansas."

He kinda looks like Richard Hammond from Top Gear.


Thank you. I was just going to post this reference.

Hahahaha! Brilliant!

She had better watch out or Coach Ryan will be all over those feet of hers.

That is so wrong and yet I laughed so hard.

Great piece. Thanks for this.



What a smear on your reputation sir.



Man, Phil Gramm has really let himself go...

"And now my special blend of bitter herbs and angry tears. And my Tater Tot Mom casserole is ready!"