Skeleton Boy

I think the first Mission Impossible movie is a virtually perfect throwback espionage film, which makes it kind of a completely different thing than the rest of the series.

The article also calls Gone Girl a bargain bin paperback that David Fincher somehow elevated into quality entertainment. Gone Girl was, of course, a massive critical success, one of the best reviewed books of the past decade. It’s just a weird thing about literature: the same people who have no trouble loving and

I would counter that the Oscars don’t save themselves. It’s obvious that no one’s watching because a.) a lot of “Oscar-bait” movies are ones that the general public doesn’t care about and b.) the ceremony is just too damn long and c.) after the opening there’s basically no incentive to keep watching unless you

I haven’t seen my reason for not watching pop up yet in the comments so I’ll put in my two cents: I stopped watching long ago because I stopped *caring* long ago (and I love film).

Yes, but how was anyone from AV Club to know that until someone from Yahoo! “News” read the interview in Men’s Health and then posted a summary of this part of the interview with a headline enticing enough to get someone from AV Club to click on the article?

Nah , France is in the EU where legally it has to be called 'Steak themed cardboard novelty " as it doesn't contain enough actual steak or indeed foodstuff.

So you’re going to go ahead and call Neil DeGrasse Tyson the “worst online personality”, when Ben Shapiro, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Green, Lauren Boebert, and Kent State Gun Girl still exist?

Secondly, Steak-Adjacent-Substances is actually not making the point they think they are making. Science is the process

“That’s what makes science so beautiful”

For once, I think Steak Umm has made a good point here. The whole point of science, that I think Tyson misstated, is that it’s NOT about truth. It’s about understanding through proven methods that can be replicated. Even the most seemingly accepted “facts” about the observable world, aren’t so much facts or truths, as

Wrong - as a UK citizen I am still working. Well, I’m on an American entertainment website arguing the toss with people I have never met, but in principle I’m working.


“G’day! I’m sorry to say, but you moit wanna bail on plans for next Chrissie. I took a look at your medic’l chaht, and it’s defo cansah, mate.” ~ Dr Australian

I’ve always found the Foos to be a singles band. Most tracks on any album are largely forgettable, but there’s usually two or three absolute bangers.

Would go a way to explaining why their album sales aren’t great, but the live shows are generally memorable. Live, barring the token one or two new tracks all bands are

I’m not looking for a New England.  I’m just looking for another girl.

Keep in mind that a lot of the WSB crowd is using margin (money they borrow from the brokerage) to buy shares and options, with some of their options being well out of the money while touting they have nothing to lose because they’re broke anyways. And if they default and can’t pay the brokerages back, the brokerages

Wow, Fincher’s response is a masterclass in emotional intelligence. I guess I’m so used to today’s endless, vapid Twitter bitchslaps that I wasn’t expecting it.

I remember an article by Roger Ebert where he describes how much he loved La Dolce Vita as a young reviewer for its depiction of a glamorous, decadent Rome life. But when he rewatched it years later he realised it was a withering attack on the emptiness and vanity of that glamour.

Wow, Fincher’s response is a masterclass in emotional intelligence. I guess I’m so used to today’s endless, vapid Twitter bitchslaps that I wasn’t expecting it.

riding a Segue”

*SLADE’s “Cum on Feel The Noize”