
there’s just so many places for the sand to chafe

Yes. It was a mild joke, but yes, that’s certainly factually correct.

Brad Bird complains on his Twitter a lot about trailers that give away the entire movie, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he lobbied Disney to withhold as much as possible.

heh That was the joke. Not a very good one, I admit.

Robots: For when you want R rated violence at a PG level

Calling it now. Those security guys? I bet they turn out to be robots!

Stop playing god, people.

I think the best thing the “Guardians of the Galaxy” movie brought back was camp. And West’s version of batman was chock full of it. Camp is what makes super hero movies fun.

What’s amazing is how many people just leave those bluetooth connections open.

Excuse me... we’re about to be annihilated in the war between robots and flesh and you’re worrying about the policy on greeters?

I think its even Andromeda Strain color.

After a few abortive attempts at learning to drive decades ago,* I gave up and just became mass transit user. I’ve been using buses, trains and cabs ever since. That smart phones make this even easier is a good thing.