
I was gonna just dismiss this as attempt to get a rise out of me and therefore waste of my time but, it’s still Friday night and, I’ve got time so, why the hell not?

A lot of people who use the snarl word “political correctness” miss the bad old days when they could get away with dismissing it as “commie, ‘tarded, fag talk.”

“I believe we will also find limits with inorganic computation as well.”

Mostly I was aiming at the gender stereotyping but that too, sure, why not?

Yep, a social justice warrior and and fucking proud of it! If only because it irritates folks like you. Dismissed as a waste of my time.

I have no idea.

So how long before we have Pur’n’Kleen hauling water from Saturn?

Speaking as a dude myself, I’m just awful damn sick of gender war jokes based on stereotypes.

So I wonder how this will all figure into allowing parapelegics and quadrapelegics use robot limbs?

Well, how about on the days they aren’t hauling stuff around in carts? Homeless people aren’t a monolith.

Yes, that too. Theft is simply a diversionary talking point.

I have no idea how a program like this would work out in the styx of North Bend. Probably not enough local money or taxes to support it.

There are a few still left around Seattle, like down near Westlake Center and hardly ever kept clean and working, but the rest are really hard to find, found in a few parks over in Magnolia or up by Northgate.

I have. They’re pretty heavy in comparison to the high end mountain and racing bikes but, not really that bad in comparison to the old Schwinns I used to ride in the 1970s.

Yep, that’s pretty much the only things the naysayers have to say.

Democracy, especially one that’s been bought out by a business oligarchy, is messy, you bet.

And that cabal has only been replaced by the corporate flavor of the month now.

So before he goes up against Supes he tested it a lot, okay, sure, why not?