
Ghana is a centimeter to the left.

That’s Benin, not Ghana.

Ghana has plenty of water. So why do its people buy plastic pouches from street vendors? Shaun Raviv investigates.


Space wizard. With a laser sword. Who gets his space wizard powers from space wizard cooties. And gets even more powerful than you can possibly imagine when cut in half.

"That's how it always begins...very small."

Really all the complaints I have seen doing a search of tumblr so far is that Japanese half-Japanese actress should play a Japanese character. Which is less "she isn't Asian enough" and more "Quit conflating all Asian people as interchangeable".

I feel like there is some sort of ridiculous irony of people complaining about Tumblr complaining. Especially since it is StrawTumblr they are complaining about.


they didnt say they had to be Orderly Good wizards.

forgot one!

You missed one...

0) Santa.

A search engine is the perfect starting point for an artificial intelligence since it’s based on the algorithm-fueled organization of real time information.

The true danger is not the AI or just the data collections, it will be the blind over reliance on predictive analytics and machine learning. A lot of Fortune 1000 companies are already doing this, making hiring firing, bonus and promotion decisions on fatally flawed customer customer survey data. How many times have

Not even a little bit.

In reference to placing importance on what Stephen Hawking has to say about AI (from SMBC):

The real twist is Skynet won the war and replaced all humans with terminators, but then the file that was stored in became corrupted, so it forgot, so terminators have been at war with terminators for 600 years.

On the other hand, human intelligence also has a pretty high tendency to be wrong and continue being wrong, often even in the face of evidence... So validation of human intelligence and where its best applied might be a good idea too.

IBM's Watson (the game that won Jeopardy) is an example of that. It produces ranges of probable answers based on what it knows (and suggests the best one).