
I only spoke up because I double majored in astronomy and physics for three years—long story.

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Flavor was being funny here but he actually had a bit of wisdom on the subject of posses.:

About 35 to 40 years too late, kid. Perrier was introduced in the States in a big way in the 1970s. That’s where the conceit began.

No arguments from me. I’m a long time tap water drinker.

“...I think is far more likely to end up being enhanced neural cells introduced back into the brain...”

Actually that’s Minchin’s great cleverness. He never comes across as bitter. Perhaps he’s angry from time to time but his response is not to just make some sarky remarks and then just grumpily walk away. No, instead he turns it all into entertainment. To him and to his audiences it’s all a huge joke.

It’s a pretty old damn future then. I remember Robin Williams making jokes about bottle water waaaaay back in 1979.

That won’t help either.

Commentary on this?

From what I read, the Watson software is now doing automated diagnosis and suggestions for treatment for doctors at many thousands of hospitals.

Is it mindless boredom or is it intense concentration? Sometimes it’s hard to tell. I suspect the people in these promotional images are staged models.

My deceased aunt had schizophrenia. I think it was the John Nash kind, it struck in her late twenties and then about ten or so years later it fell into quiescence and it was like she was entirely normal again. Or it certainly seemed that way to me growing up.

Additionally we have many examples of real and respected scientists still spouting complete nonsense.

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Zim a needs movie all by himself! For the larvae! Think of the larvae!

“I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created parasitic wasps with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars.”