
The company wouldn't be a success without him, sure - he's a frankly amazing salesman, my own dislike of their products makes me realize that more - but the company would be nowhere if it was just him - Jonny Ive has been just as vital to the company's revival as a design-led electronics company, to grab one person

When I saw the headline I began to wonder just how James Cameron was spending that Avatar money.

@bztang: Yeah, there's definitely a love of the screw in prices, but at least if we have it and they don't it won't be as obvious.

@Amnesiac85: There is truth here, a big bundle of delicious sexy truth.

The Auris is not a Yaris. The Yaris is the Yaris. The Auris is a bigger vehicle.

Quebec, eh? So does this mean we get it in Canada, and can lord it over you?

Since this is framed by asking about replacing Larry King with Piers Moron, I'm going to say what cars represent them.

Jensen FF. Big V8, AWD, that body. Sure, it tended to break, but it was decades ahead of its time.

@Segador: It's powered by the tears of the cyclists' children.

@pixelsnader: However, continuing to use the current machines will cost much more.

@Skink: "How can I express my views in a manner that is inflammatory and self-righteous, but will also change nothing and make me look quite racist? To the internet!"

@LandersDip: Was Jesus that unreliable? It was pretty much all "be nice to each other" and "Don't gamble in temples!"

It must be a misteak.

@FauxReal: Some suggest that there were more stars when the constellations were dreamed up, making them more crab-y or what have you. Like how the big dipper looks genuinely like a dipper to even normal people (it's the only constellation I've seen that actually looks like a thing).

@CJinSD: If I was the woman, I would naturally have to ask "What doesn't get stolen in Charlottesville?"

@RushinRussian: Hipster cameras are those really awful Russian cameras (Lomo I think they're called) that have light leaks and crap lenses so the pictures look "vintage".