
@CABEZAGRANDE: I think that's the mark of a good significant other, the ability to support hobbies without actually understanding them. I know a very happily married couple where each has a hobby the other doesn't like at all. He enjoys guns and hunting, she enjoys painting. He is confused by modern and abstract art,

This model Kia Magentis. "Officer, he got away driving a silver... uh... a silver... a silver car. It's a sedan. A Camry maybe? Or an Accord? I'm not sure. It's a sedan though. Definitely a silver sedan."

He's being rather unfair. Yeah, she doesn't understand the attachment her boyfriend has to the Jeep, but is thinking from a coldly logical "is this a money pit that needs to be discarded" place. It's not a viewpoint a forum would want or understand, but maybe it's necessary to keep a bit of perspective.

@CasualSubversive: Nah, he likes coffee - I won't speak to the quality of the coffee he likes, since as mentioned I am not fond of the stuff, be it in smell, taste or what have you, but he likes the hot beverage - but it was more "this person doesn't like this thing I am addicted to, how can I change this? He likes

@littleaxtell: I know, that's where he kept getting them from, but I imagine they're spreading to other places.

@madisomi loves lasercats: They seem to think it's a gateway. "He likes sugary things! Maybe we can ease him into it by picking the most sugary coffee-based thing in the world."

I loathe the word app, but this might be related to my loathing of the words "Iced Capp", which is a icy cappucino thing that coffee addicts (like a friend of mine) try to force onto coffee haters (like myself) in order to spread the coffee gospel.

@mkbruin: It is not physically possible to have any of those things worse than a Sebring, and the Solara didn't break the laws of physics.

@mkbruin: Ever drive a Sebring? It makes that look like a brilliant piece of design and engineering.

@Dusty Duster: The Aveo was made by sad Koreans - factory wide depression is the only reasonable explanation for the build quality.

This is worse than when Blow, the energy drink company, was hiring.

"I bought a Zonda, it's sweet!"

To be fair, if I was a billionaire, I'd probably drive a relatively modest car most of the time as well.

@FaustsHausUSA: To be honest though, you can usually grab a car from a dealership for a relatively lengthy period of time to figure out if you like it. I test drove 20 different cars before I bought my last one.

I pirated stuff in University when I didn't have a steady income. I pirated a bit when I had a crappy job, and I had a steady, but crappy income.

I remember reading Wil Wheaton's reminiscence on filming Star Trek, where one director tried to get him into the mood by saying of Picard "He controls the sky man, HE CONTROLS THE SKY!"