
@SKiTz: It's like raaayyyyyaaaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnnnn... on your wedding day.

Totally agricultural equipment. You've been getting press releases from Lamborghini tractors the whole time.

@Time Pilot AKA: "Let's do something more complicated and less stylish! It's the future!"

@Rob: Not where I live. Crosswalks yes, outside of crosswalks no.

@OMG! Mr. Holland's British Opasaurus Rex!: The human doesn't have the right of way in the middle of the street away from a crosswalk - that's law - and especially when you don't have much room to brake, and they just run through the street.

@Kuro: Hence the probably. I was mostly referring to those people who don't look and just walk, assuming people will part ways for them.

If you run in front of a car, you probably deserve it.

@Moonchilde: But how can they possibly replace old Johnny Cage?

I want them to do this for games I don't already own, but also want.

@blyan-reloaded: Not any beer. Bud Light is what happens when someone drinks an already not great beer and then pees in a bottle.

@Scandinavian Flick: Don't worry, Porsche will make 20 more variations on the 911 that have stripped down interiors. And another 20 that have an interior somewhere between the luxury version and the stripped down version.

There had better not be regulations demanding this stuff. The technology could only be extremely annoying for those of us who don't have babies in the car, but do carry large bulky things, sometimes large bulky things belted in to the back seat because it keeps it safe.

Next press release: "The Volt's range can be anywhere from 'enhhhhh' to 'Iunno *shrug*'"

@MathIsHard: It was a joke referring to the insular nature of internet comment boards.

Remember the great PS3 glitch of March 1? It's like that, only about shit nobody cares about.

That'll buff out.

@Hello Mister Walrus: Never's a long time, especially considering diesel can be made from all sorts of weird crap. Diesel from corn or most food products is likely a dead end, but there's an algae being tested where I live that is showing a lot of promise.