
Oh, JUST what I need.. apps bloated by additional software I'll never use.

Imagine adding 20,000 pounds to the rear of a seesaw...

Now playing

I kept expecting to see rolling credits from Tim Burton, and hear a Danny Elfman score.

Modern pistols and long arms... with the exception of shotguns... have rifled barrels. The Mythbusters ep used falling unstabilized (tumbling) projectiles in their wind tunnel... but the open range test out in the desert with pistol rounds showed significantly different results, with them digging the bullets out of

... until you realize the Browning .50 is a machine gun, and it was done over open sights.

The noise of the shutter opening and closing was dwarfed by the sound of the rapid-fire explosions in the engine itself. It wasn't sustained thrust - it was one impulse after another, hence "pulse jet".

Hmmm... Bomber contrails responsible for climate change, COOLING by 0.8c... as opposed to the bombing of major cities like London and Coventry? I have to suspect there was far more smoke/obscuration generated by German bombs dropped than there was by mere bomber contrails that lasted half an hour or less.

Looking at that, the fact that it can only fly "for a few seconds" and therefore to a very low altitude would seem to be a VERY good thing.

The LEM didn't launch in that configuration - that would be landing.

It was going on on Q-Link before AIM even existed, and I'm pretty sure it didn't start there.

"GPS-enabled phones are great for getting around outdoors but not nearly accurate enough to be used inside buildings, even a cavernous convention center, hospital or airport. "

For the last flight... or rather, last landing... they need to bring those F-15s in close and fly formation with Atlantis as flight leader... then have one of the F-15's pull up into a "missing man" formation as she lands, in recognition of Challenger and Columbia.


Software "patents" are ridiculous.

... and still laughing...

"Redwoods are a long-living tree..."