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@phoghat: BRC is the man! Sometimes you gotta just accept that Network Execs are going to do stupid things, and the best thing you can do is enjoy the result—-even if the only way to do that is thru sarcasm. lol.

Money CAN buy happiness. People who think otherwise, are fools. :)

Anything starring BRC is a WIN in my book! I cant wait!

Dude. AT&T Uverse Sucks. Hopefully MS will offer more options than just AT&T(even though they will be the easiest transition).

Im sure they have signed NDA's

@jsmuli2: yeah i meant the instant one. :) thanks

Isnt there a limit on the streaming que?

@diasdiem: I always think of a rimshot, as some gross sexual act involving an anus. :(

I still dont fucking get it.

@Kogo: i died

@DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane: Its never take me longer than 30 mins to DL a game. You should start the DL and then go take a dump or something. :)

I hope they work on bringing more HD content to stream online.

Lets all listen to Kaz. He's doing so well with the PS3 right now, lol.