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Sounds like Jen Brown, is a little slut.

@skim32: its the "carrier unlock" im scared of. jailbreaking has always been easy for me. but this part can blow up in your face sometimes.

Im too scared to try it, but I wanna. Maybe i'll just use my buddy's phone. What are friends for, right?

Apple's cafeteria blows Google's out of the water. They have Grapenuts.

I love Clear. :)

@RainyDayInterns: NICE! I wold love to have something like this, but its prolly expensive huh?

Remind me never to order anything FRAGILE from Amazon.


These Designs. Are incredible.

@zelannii: I didnt say they were going to use this program to gain access to your banking info, i am saying they can exploit this to can access to your phone. Alot of people use apps and notepads to keep passwords, banking info, ect on their iphones, blackberries, ect——this can be used to gain access to those

@MWUK: So then they should just play Worms? :)

@zelannii: And in 7 hours from now, the thieves who read your comments, will have found a way around ALL of that. Where theres a will, theres a way. :)

@JohnnyricoMC: MW2, yes, but games like Battlefield2 and OP:FP2 would prolly work out. They require that people actually coordinate attacks, and they also use things like windspeed and bullet-drop, when using longrange weapons. Not saying its perfect, but its better than anything your going to get on an ipad. Hell our

This is why my daughter is getting married indoors.

Wouldnt this be cheaper? Or Battlefield BC2? Or Op:Flashpoint 2?

great, so now thieves wont just have my banking info, but theres a whole phone just chock full of other info for them to snag.

I dont know if this is true or not, but i heard that if you look into the fiber optic line, you can go blind?