
I guess In and Out isn’t widespread enough to qualify but, I’ve waited 30 minutes before. Like an idiot. But not really an idiot because I’d rather spend 30 minutes in line for a In and Out burger than 5 minutes for a McD burger. It’s not even a question.

That’s what my local Chick Filet does. Although, it does get funneled down to one lane but it doesn’t matter so much if they bring your food to you. The lines are long at first but it moves quickly.

Babies. Once every year, I need to crunch for about 5 weeks...three 100 hour weeks in a row bookended by 80-90 hour weeks. And it’s not a matter of working “smarter”, I have a deadline and there’s no pushing it back.

September 18-21, 2013

You get Pulisic and McKennie out there for 90 minutes and I think the final score might be a little different.

I’d be much more excited if this was Hobbs and Calvin.

I think you need to go to rehab.

The above photo tells you everything you need to know about this story.

Pushing things a bit too far?

Same here. I need a day here and there to sleep 8-9 hours but I can go on 5-6 hours a night for weeks.

If it looks like I might be slipping away...feel free to put on Motorhead’s Ace of Spades.

Write you our!

Yes, but do the astronauts at any point break out in song and/or dance?

I feel that Kim is Jimmy but with more compassion. That’s why they’re a team. I don’t think she’s willing to go as far as Jimmy is but she’s on the spectrum. People keep saying that she’s going to get smart and walk away but I don’t know...I think she might just double down, even if it’s to try to save Jimmy from

^This. My only complaint on an amazing episode.

Putin would’ve shot him himself.

Eh...I would prefer stories based on actual events to be more truthful than not but in this case...who cares? I can use/not use Facebook as a product or service and it has nothing to do with how I view Mark Zuckerberg. Unless he’s drowning kittens in vats of pudding and laughing maniacally about it...I don’t really

Is Emma Stone too old to play Lilo?

I’m just so happy that Gina can now dance full time.