
How in the world is this guy not in prison for life? He’ll never make parole but the thought of him getting his chance every 2 years makes my stomach turn.

Beat me to it. +1.

If Volkwagen made an electric Notchback, I’d buy 10 of them. Each a different pastel color.

She crazy.


Yes...but no. Maybe. “Both technologies can coexist to serve the visions of the filmmakers.” I guess that’s if you have enough money in your budget. Because although we’re not quite there yet, companies that make the actual film are going to be obsolete sooner than later. I don’t think they can stay in business

If Jimmy Connors was still playing on the circuit, he’d jump over the net and throat punch this clown.

I respect his approach. Not sure I’d want to be friends with the dude but I love his movies.


Lake? More like a large pond.

I think a perk would be writing for writing’s sake and not just trying to get clicks. I’ve read some really in-depth stories the past few months (I’m there for the baseball) and they’re not concerned with breaking the latest news, they’re concerned about telling stories. That has to be rewarding vs. just regurgitating

The Athletic is truly a great site and they need to charge more imho. And maybe that’s their plan but I wouldn’t mind paying a few more bucks per month. Completely worth it.

Here’s to Bill Murray singing “There’s a place in France where the naked ladies dance...” last two flights have been chartered flights. I am now forever spoiled and ruined beyond belief. I can’t even fathom doing it the regular way now and I’m not looking forward to it. Hate me haters.

Mike seems to be about righting wrongs, not stealing figurines.

“and later smacked Hundley in the mask with an open hand, which seems like a really good way to hurt your hand”

San Francisco.


But people don’t want “juicy” because they equate that with “bloody” even if they’re wrong and probably make poor choices in every other category of their lives.

I would think there would be some kind of benefit of the doubt shown your way, being that you’re a President and all.